Assurance Sooner

Yesterday, for the first time during this pregnancy, I felt good. I felt really good. That beta number was so different from my last pregnancy’s beta number that I was sure it meant something different for this time around. I know I can still lose this pregnancy, but as long as it’s not to an ectopic, I think I’ll be okay.

And I’ll know for sure whether or not it’s ectopic sooner that I thought. Dr. Google has informed me that the gestational sac should be visible with a beta hCG number of 6,500. My numbers should be that high soon and by some miracle, my OB-BYN heeded my pleas and made me an appointment (with her!) for a quick ultrasound tomorrow. So tomorrow, around 2:50pm I should know for sure if I’m having another ectopic. That is one week and one day quicker that I thought I’d know. Now I’m even more excited that I pushed for the beta. This experience is definitely teaching me nothing about being patient and just waiting things out.

So if today’s beta number is double Monday’s number, we should be able to see the gestational sac tomorrow. In case things don’t look good, I have therapy a few hours later and I can easily cancel my trip to LA this weekend to recover physically and emotionally. I feel pretty good about things at this point.

I’m pretty sure I’ll still have my prenatal visit at 6 weeks, and Dr. Google says that they should be able to see a heartbeat by then. I’m going to confirm with my OBGYN about that because I really don’t want to go in unless they are sure they will be able to see a heartbeat. My guess is with numbers this high, they will at 6 weeks, but if there is any doubt, I may push it back.

I guess after I find out that it’s not ectopic I have to let myself calm down and enjoy the ride. No more daily emails to my OB and no information requests from Dr. Google. I need to just get a book I trust and stick with that, because internet searches can reveal scary stuff, and I don’t want to surround myself with any unnecessary anxiety.

Thank you all for your kind words of support and encouragement this past week. I can’t tell you what they mean to me. I promise you’ll all be the first to know when I receive any information.

BUENAS NOTICIAS – Yesterday we had a big storm in Northern California. I casually mentioned in the staff room that I needed new tires and low and behold, today there are two tire coupons in my box. I love my staff. Oh and did I mention I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow! Whoo hoo!