
The scan today went great. I’m sorry I’m just posting about it now, I was kind of exhausted right after it happened.

The baby looked great. Everything they could see looked great. The scan, along with the blood work I got last week, put our chances of DS at 1 in 4,000 and our chances of T18 at 1/100,000. Of course we’re incredibly relieved by these results.

The only slightly odd thing was that the baby, who has been measuring right on track during the first two ultrasounds was measuring way ahead today at 13w3d (I am actually 12w1d). So that is 9-10 days ahead. The tech explained her measurement could be off by five days but that still would put me at 12w6d. I’m assuming this is okay and won’t worry too much about it. Isa always measured ahead but never made any huge jumps like this. I guess I’ll email my doctor but I’m sure she’ll tell me it’s fine.

I guess I was waiting for this scan to make this pregnancy official. Tomorrow I plan to break out my maternity clothes for real, and I’ll pack away the clothes I can no longer wear (or don’t want to wear). We’re planning on telling Isa tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to hear what she’ll say. Probably not much. Monday I’ll announce it to my students. I’d rather wait longer but I just don’t feel comfortable hiding it anymore. I really am starting to show and it’s getting harder and harder to camouflage this belly with big shirts. I told my staff on Wednesday so the cat really will be out of the bag next week.

I still have no plans to share the news on Facebook. All the people in my life that I really want to know already know so I don’t feel much need to paste it up there. Maybe after the anatomy scan.

I definitely feel more confident in this pregnant but I certainly don’t feel sure of anything. I know that the other shoe could drop at any moment. I also know it likely won’t and I promised myself I would celebrate this pregnancy all the way through, so I’ll do my best to honor that wish even when it scares me. Keeping this pregnancy at arm’s length won’t make losing it any easier. I want to revel in this miracle we’ve been given for as long as its a part of our lives.

Thank you all for your support and kindness today. Like always, I really appreciate it.

11 responses

  1. Fantastic news! Enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest 🙂 Many of us can relate to the panic that goes with the NT scan. So glad it turned it well!

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