Two Years and 500 posts

On August 30th, 2009 I published my first post here at what was then called The Trials (and Tribulations) of Trying. Rereading that post I can’t believe how far I’ve come – in my life, as a writer, as a member of this community. I truly feel blessed to have found this place and all of you.

In the 730 days since that first post went up I’ve written 500 posts. That is a lot of myself strewn across these pages. And while I’m not always proud how I feel, I’ve never regretted anything I’ve said. I am honest here, if nothing else, and that is something I am proud of.

When I started this blog I didn’t know what I was doing and I certainly didn’t know where I wanted to go. There was nothing I set forth to accomplish. Really all I hoped was that someone would read, understand and reach out.

And they did.

And I’m so grateful.

Not long ago I took a break from blogging as I attempted to rediscover my intention. While I haven’t figured it out yet I feel closer to it. I know it has something to do with forging connections and fostering community, but I’m not quite sure how to accomplish either.

In my classes right now we’re building our social contract. As the students tell me the ways in which they hope to treat me and each other I ask them over and over to tell me what it looks like. What does respect look like to you? What do you think effort looks like to me?

I don’t know yet what a commitment to connection and community will look like on this blog and in my life, but it’s nice to know that it’s important to me, that I have something to pursue.

I had such high hopes for today’s post. I wanted to do something really big in honor of the special occasion. I mean how often does one’s 500th post fall on their two year blogoversary?Leave it to me to pick this month to have my existential blogging crisis. Leave it to me to rain on my own parade.

Despite the lack of pomp and circumstance here today I was hoping you could help me. If you can take the time to comment today I’d love for you to share something special about your blog. I promise it’s not too much, just two things really.

What intention do you honor on your blog?


Which of your posts is your favorite and why?

(Please include a link).

Thank you all for accompanying me on this journey. In these past weeks I’ve realized that my readers are truly the reason I return to this space again and again. Without you, I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be writing. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

And now, because I couldn’t help myself…

17 responses

  1. What a nice comment from your man. Yay, Mi.Vida!

    First of all, big congrats on this huge milestone! And I’m so happy you are closer to your blogging intention. The blogosphere would be be missing a big piece of the puzzle without you.

    I have no idea what the hell I’m doing with my blog. I need to get The Pomegranate Society into gear. I’m embarrassed that hasn’t launched yet.

    My dad, struggling through terrible pain in his hospital bed a few days ago, summoned up the energy somehow to ask me how my blog was doing. I confessed that I felt like a big failure, that a few hundred people have read what I have written, not the millions of people who read what he wrote over the course of his career.

    He said:

    “Keep your writing quality high, and they will come.”

    So I guess I’ll try to follow his advice.

    This post seemed to hit a nerve with people, and is probably my favorite.

    Congrats again 🙂

  2. Congrats on this huge milestone! You’ve been rather prolific! Don’t worry about the days you don’t have much to say. We all need time in our subconscious minds to formulate our thoughts into something worth articulating.

    I’ve also tried to honor the intention of honesty. Even when I couldn’t be candid I’ve always been honest. But another intention has been to use my blog space as the faithful tool it is to help me process my journey. I don’t share so much in ‘real’ life, I have no therapist. My writing is a critical form of expression, without which so much would remain inside.

    My gave posts definitely evolve, so I’ll have to ponder that…

  3. *cheer* If I knew this was coming, I’d have baked a cake! 🙂

    Congrats, lady … you are an inspiring blogger and amazing writer! Thank you for being here in this space.

    I’m not exactly sure what my intention is … I think I’d like it to be more externally-focused than it is, and more current-affairs-aware, but right now it’s sort of reflections on and exhortations to community, with food as medium. Hence the cake. 🙂

    I’m not sure I have a favorite post … I’ll have to think about that one. I’m glad jjiraffe chose her parenting one, though … I like that one, too.

  4. Congrats! I’ve only been reading your blog since the Bust a Myth post this year, but I immediately felt such a draw to your writing. Thank you for sharing your stories and for adding your thoughtful comments on my blog. My intention on my blog is to be unflinchingly honest and – when the mood strikes me – humorous. I already re-posted my favorite post for my blogoversary, but here’s another one that I like.

  5. 500! Wowza! Way to go!

    I hope you figure out your new intention for this space soon. I enjoy your posts so much.

    My intention for my blog was simply to chronicle my journey, to remind myself of all I was going through. Now, it’s largely neglected, though I think often of things I would like to write about, if I could only muster the energy at a time agreeable to sitting down and writing. When I let it, it gets me down that I didn’t manage to record life since my son was born; there’s so much I wish I’d kept track of. My favorite post was this, about how someone’s sudden and tragic death several years ago shapes my life today:

  6. Hurrah! I understand blog hiatuses, but hope you continue to express yourself through your writing.
    My blog started in my deepest of grief, documenting my art. It was a cathartic element in my life. Something somewhat stable in a very unstable moment. It’s not always about art…I babble…and once Simon was born it has more elements of him. But I ultimately try to maintain it for myself, and not get sucked into how many followers I can get or tailoring it for anyone other than myself (which can be really hard).
    My favorite post of mine is probably the following because it really set established a unifying element in my watercolor work from this point on. I found my niche if you could call it that. My grief had a face, or a scene that could be understood by others, and it was a huge connecting point for me.

  7. Congratulations! Wow, 500 posts in 2 years shows a lot of dedication to writing and blogging.

    I, too, hope you are able to figure out your intentions for this space. My blog is the story of our journey. First as infertiles, then pregnant, and now parenting. Though it’s really become the story of our boys.

    My favorite post is How We Met the President. We still talk about that day often. Thanks for asking because I went back and re-read a bunch of my old posts, reliving the good times and the bad. But it was really nice to do.

  8. YEAH! Congratulations, lady! 500 is huge, and you should be so very proud of the work you’ve put into this and the writing you’ve created. I would give anything to be able to write like you do. I’ve appreciated your honesty above everything else on your blog. Being able to say you don’t regret a single post, is a great thing indeed.

    I think for me, it’s my place to set free the thoughts in my head. That may sound obvious for anyone who has a blog, but that’s mainly what it’s always been. That and a place for my family back home to connect with how my pregnancy was going — oops! Failed on that one. 🙂 I never intended to find a community, or even have more than my family read it…and I feel so blessed with how it’s all turned out! It gave me you, afteral. 🙂

    I’ll have to get back to you on a favorite post. I think I may have many…. (I’m also a bit embarrassed because did you post this the night I talked to you? I’m sorry I didn’t see it that night to say congratulations to you “in person” on the phone, nor did I see it yesterday because I spent the day sleeping. So I apologize!)

  9. Congrats on 500 and Happy Blogoversary as well! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog over the last couple years :).

    As far as what I honor on my blog…I’ve always tried to be honest, to let it all hang out and hopefully someone out there would feel the same way I do and could connect with me. Now, I have a hard time finding the time and I think about a million posts that never get written. And I’m a little sad about that.
    My favorite post is probably not my best written, but it’s the one that makes my heart flutter every time I read it:

  10. I missed your blogoversary when it happened, but I’m coming around from Time-Warp Tuesday in the future.

    I think it’s so cool that Mi.Vida left such a sweet comment here.

    And also, I like applying the idea of a social contract to blogging. Hmmmm…..that will make me think a bit.

    The intention I honor in my blog space, I suppose, would be authenticity. I aim to be authentic. Which is sometimes a challenge because I also care what others think of me.

  11. I am here from the future via Time Warp Tuesday and appreciated reading this post. 500 posts is a great accomplishment, I didn’t reach that until earlier this year (and I am 5 years in now).

    I also was very touched to see that Mi.Vida commented here.

    My husband has never commented on my blog and I have to ask him specifically to read a post if I want him to, as for the most part he does not enjoy reading and tries to assure me that its not my writing style, rather reading a blog in general that doesn’t appeal to him. We have heated discussions about it now and then, but overall I do my best to accept that reading blogs is not his thing and even though writing has become my passion, that doesn’t mean he should have to read my blog regularly. I have learned that I need to get my validation for what I write and share elsewhere.

    Anyway, as for the intention of my blog, I try to use it to process my life and cope with the loss I have experienced. I also hope that through sharing my thoughts and experiences that I can help others who are also learning to cope and find joy when their lives have not gone as they planned (especially those who have dealt with infertility and loss).

    Here is the link to my all time favorite post:

    I know that I revisited via Time Warp last year and that you read and commented on it at the time. It means a lot to me because I wrote it when I was pregnant with my third child/second daughter and terrified that I was going to lose her too (as I did my second child/first daughter). But in the end I decided that I was determined to fight for her and do my best to enjoy carrying her, no matter what the outcome.

    Congrats on how far you have come since you began blogging! I look forward continuing to follow you and your writing. Now heading back to the future to comment on your new post for Time Warp this month/week.

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